Tuesday 11 April 2017

A Gift to my "seat-mate"

'I'd rather be tired, than broke'
Hello! So today I will be showing you the gift I made for my best friend (maybe I can call that). I'm sure you'd like it.
Lemme tell you briefly about her first. Her name is Aalisha and we are friends since June, i.e., 10 months of our friendship showers. She took admission in our school and we started talking and sharing stuff. She sat with me a few days after she joined. We talked
a bit more and now we are called best friends. In actual, we aren't. We are just "seat-mates" with a relation bit more than friends. We enjoyed each-others companies in all times and that's what made us such good friends. She stayed near my house and so we went to places together. That was real fun.
So the point is, I have made a gift for her which I bet you would like. Message me for talks :)
It is sort of a book or a diary which I started making a month ago. This is the first page:

Two Girls, One City
This is the title of the blog we thought of making together but never did xD But the name, I like it.
The 2nd page:

The 3rd page:

The 4th page:

5th to 14th: I have tried to write a few lines about each student in our class and some memories we share. I have even added some pics.
The 15th page:

16th to 19th: OUR 271 day's memories
This contains the 'vote of thanks'. I really like it. It is quite big, or else I would have wrote it here. Message me if you wanna read.

20th to 52th: All the memories we share in almost a year. I have jotted down in a sequence, and guess what, I have written 98 points. 98 memories and a lot more 💜
I'll mention some down there in the sequence I have written  some pics too:
1. You entered DPSG, oh sorry, a little world, Aalisha, entered an enormous world, DPSG on 20 June 2016.
And her introduction to the class: Hey guys! This is Aalisha Trivedi and blah blah blah!
2. When we went to washroom or other places out the class, I used to tell her ' See all the faces of folks, I'll tell you about them when they leave'. Those stories were damn funny xD
6. Her climbing skills, he was the fastest on stairs *.*

7. Chindhi(Aalisha): VC pull my hand please
VC ( Me) : Why? What happened?
Chindhi: I am feeling too sleepy ..
14. Her belief: "Everyone is beautiful in its own way" I really love that.
16. It was our IT lecture that day and she didn't bring her IT file. That was her first punishment. She stood out of the class and enjoyed a lot. I'm glad xD
18. Some of our nicknames -.-
24. Navratri 2k16:

25. She's the one who spoils all our awesome pics -.- Have a look

35. The most memorable DPS Fiesta

Mansi: You guys know, shitloads of fun today..
VC, Chindhi: Why?
Mansi: Damn girls, Sandeep Narwal and Amit Hooda are coming to school today.
VC, Chindhi: Who the hell are they?
Mansi: You don't know, poor kids. Asian Cup Kabaddi players.
VC, Chindhi: Whatever!
*And they enter*
VC, Chindhi: Wow *.*

44. In class sometimes I used to tell her I'm hungry. You can't even imagine she used to cook different flavours of soap for me using chalks -_-
47. Chindhi: You'll come tomorrow to school?
VC: I am sick dude
Chindhi: So not coming?
VC: Idk. I'll see.
Chindhi: I know you won't come xD
VC: I know that too
😂 You know me so much 💓
62. Stall preparations at school

66. The dental check up in school. Enjoyed it a lot :D
80. Our first fight- 26 Nov 2016
Enjoyed it a lot too ✌
85. Our first outing at Jay Bhavani. We ate a Vadapav and shared a 100 memories there 😸

I completed that book there with some more talks and emotions.
With the book, I even gifted her a box with these things.

And many more of such things..
I even got a Ear plug for her.
Message me for more,

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