Wednesday 11 July 2018

Fucked up

Hey! Longest time, I know. But you can't blame me this time. I've a long list of things you can blame.
P.S. There is no story or poem down there. It is just a random post (for your current affairs xD) on how fucking life can be.
First of all, like every other teenager, I am a fucking confused soul. I took Biology in 12th, and now I'm not sure about it, the only reason being I don't like what I am doing, that's it. No, that is not it. Now that I took a dumbass decision, I have to atleast bear the effects. I atleast have to complete 12th and get a decent score in NEET.
And you know what, the morons, they are just experimenting with us. Why me? Because I've got a fuck life. They have decided to hold the exam twice, once in February and next in May. Like, how can we complete the NEET syllabus till January, appear for it in February, appear for damned boards in March, next NEET in May, AIIMS in June and all other Medical Exams near these. Like huh!
I know these aren't deciding my future, but they are atleasting fucking up my present. Okay, let's get over this.
I did a lot of amazing things in the past few months.

 I did photography at two great events, one of which paid me the stipend and the other a recommendation letter.

I did a virtual internship on content writing. That was a real world experience.

I attended a Ted event, and god, I can't learn more from anywhere else.

I was always fond of drawing, or scribbling looks better. You would find a sketch on every bench I sat in classes.xD Though, I was totally unaware of water colors. So I decided to use them once. I watched tutorials on Youtube and painted a dozen of beautiful pieces which I can be proud of. Most importantly, I enjoyed.
This was my first water color experience.

Next, I attended an Open Mic in a Cafe nearby. I just wanted to breathe that type of air. And grace, that was so damn awesome. One of the best experiences I ever had.

After that, I decided to perform in an Open Mic. I got selected to perform at a Cafe nearby, and omg, I loved it. I made new friends there, and being am introvert, that's great deal for me. I actually found out that I have a passion for writing and whatever I do in life, I would never stop writing.

This was the event where I performed.

Then unbelievably, all of a sudden, I decided to cook. I cooked some international cuisines along with some Indian and desserts, and I must say, cooking is very creative.
I made Lasagna, after practice

To chill out, I for the very first time visited some trending cafes around the city and explored there. I love exploring creative stuff, but the introvert me didn't allow me to step out. Though it still scares me to go to places alone or without a close friend.

Though I don't get a lot of time from studies, I quit 1.5 hours of the TV I watched daily and read novels and watched web series. And believe it or not, this is going to help me for lifetime. Novels really make me a different person.
I even joined the gym for some Aerobics and I really feel fresh.
Oh wait, I learnt to drive a car. I'm so excited. (17, but issokkay xD)
I was a very delicate kid for a lot of years, but from the last 6 months, my only vision is to change the world. And that is the reason I am putting my best everyday to change myself, doing a million things, exploring every part of me and the Earth, and love existing here. In short, I am trying my best to amplify existence.
Share with me your experiences and incidents that helped you grow. I'd love to listen. (Instagram: dihybrid_methane)

Until next time,
Vidhi :)

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