Monday 26 June 2017

Life's Metagenesis

Hello folks! All fine? Same here. It's midnight in my country and I am not yet asleep. Actually I was studying until and then those books tire me so I thought of writing something. And I am up with an issue many of the girls face until date. I won't tell more about it, the article says it all. Please read until the end. Thank You

The alteration of generation where kids are smoking cigarettes instead of playing "Teacher-Teacher", teens are sending nudes instead of setting up goals, adults are raping children instead of fulfilling dreams and children are getting pregnant. We wonder why?  Actually there's no time left to wonder why. The system works this way.
I am a girl.  I am not allowed to wear my skirt because boys get high seeing my legs. I am not allowed to eat more than I get because I may get fat and then I won't get a boy to marry.  I am not allowed to show my cleavage,  I am not allowed to go out of the house after 10, I am not allowed to think modern, this is great,  isn't it?  Actually  the system's great,  the system which the universe has accepted.
I am killed just before I born,  in fact I was prayed not to be born.

When I was born,  people were talking that my parents possessed bad luck. I couldn't hear those words, but my heart felt.  They were chasing behind my family.
When I was in Grade 5, I was told to sit beside girls or else I will be called a slut.
When I was in Grade 7, I got my periods and I was left untouchable for almost 4 days. I was not allowed to wash my hair, neither I can enter the kitchen nor I can use my regular utensils,  I could not celebrate festivals, I could not enter the temple,  I could not water the plants, I could not wash my hair and the list isn't yet completed.
When I was in Grade 9, I was told not to go out of the house after 10 or talk to strangers, especially males.  Even I wasn't allowed to ask my own family 'why'.
I don't really have a very sharp explanation for this.. I would just like to express myself through these unheard words that :

I am born to live
Happiness is all what I give
Why does this happen to me?
To this world, I want to be a devotee
Why do boys stalk behind?
They might have some business, please mind
Why do I have to wear uncomfortable clothes?
Just because the minds of boys have some woes?
Why are my boobs stared?
Do you think I am despaired?
Why is my vagina fucked?
Why are my nipples sucked?
Why shouldn't I talk important matters?
Why always does a girl shatters?
Why shouldn't I get equal share?
Just because I bear...?
But now, I am going to fight for myself
I am going to raise my voice
I am going to stand at affairs
I am going to speak on chairs
I am going to fly aces
I am going to win races
I am going to shower success
I am going to aggress
No matter what comes ahead,
I will destroy and walk upheld
Stand up girls, improve your argument.
Because it's silence that speaks everything...
Thank You

Until the next,

Sunday 18 June 2017

Like a Mountain

Hey people.
I promised I would crave out some of the unheard words of beautiful writers and here I come up with an extravagant poem by a girl named Venessa (Instagram profile: vba_2711). I must say, she has an extraordinary talent of poems on life, soul anf stuff! I just love them. Here is one of them from her beautiful list 'Like a Mountain'. Go and follow her if you like this poem and want more.

Do you want to see your write-ups on this blog? Message me :)        
The joy in my heart
The pain in my eyes
The hurt in my soul
The twists in my life....
Is just like a Mountain

Every breath I take
Every thought that passes my mind
Every single second that goes without you
Every day I live of my life...
Is just like a Mountain

I realise my abilities
I do realise my faults
I realise, I breathe every day
I want to realise the purpose of life
And I realised the reason for living
Is just Like a Mountain

Until the next,

Wednesday 7 June 2017


In a philosophical world, where the mountains can't reach the skies, where the trees can't talk, where the river can't fly, where the crows can't sing and the truth can't be false, what are we humans doing here?
Do we have an urge to change the nature, or even replicate it? The bits' and bobs all around, the crave for a happy life, is this the way we enjoy the nature?

Do all the galaxies would have such beautiful nature like ours? Do all the galaxies would have humans like us? Do all the galaxies would persuade​ life like us? If yes, then why can't we travel to other galaxies and tourism there? It would be so much fun, eh?

Can we just take a break and place ourselves to a cynefin? To hear the nature's voice, the woodnote, to see the feuillemort, that is, the color of a dying leaf, ochar and fruitful, to sense the komorebi, the beautiful sunlight passing through our skin and our arteries and veins and to our blood, to sleep under the sound of psithurism and to smell the wild air?
Is all of these possible? Or we humans would just live this life, competing with each other, growing each day for a better day which isn't yet guaranteed to arrive?

Dear nature,
Thanks is not a perfect word which I can offer  for the job you do. May I respect you till the end of my last breath. May I bow down to you when a thing I do is against your esteem. May I everyday love you for your unreturnable gift.

Until the next,
Vidhi :)